Note: DexToro charges no additional fees (advanced orders included) outside of the required fees charged by our liquidity provider & Gelato's keeper system.
Maker & Taker Fees
Maker & Taker fees may vary depending on a selected market. The most current fees are prominently displayed within the DexToro trading platform.
When it comes to derivatives trading, makers are traders who place orders that contribute to the overall liquidity of the market. Meanwhile, takers are individuals who accept those orders, which reduces the liquidity available, typically through an order book system. Makers play a crucial role in maintaining a well-functioning market by ensuring there are enough orders on the books. Takers, on the other hand, help to execute those orders and keep the market active.
DexToro utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) and a peer-to-contract (P2C) trading model that leverages a liquidity pool to fill all orders at a skew-adjusted oracle price. Within the DexToro system, orders placed against the current market skew are considered “maker” orders, resulting in lower maker fees for traders. Conversely, orders placed with the skew are “taker” orders, which incur higher taker fees. If a trade results in a change from positive to negative overall market skew, the trader may experience partial order fills at each fee tier.
Basis Points (BPS) are a unit of measurement equal to 1/100th of 1 percent commonly used in financial markets. Find actual exchange fees within DexToro.
Percentage | Basis Points (BPS) |
0.02% | 2 bps |
0.10% | 10 bps |
All fees are charged against the notional position size during order execution, and up-to-date fees can are always displayed in the order entry panel. Fees are only charged when the trade successfully executes.
Fees for a standard order
DexToro charges 0 additional fees on standard orders.
Keeper deposit or (Execution Fee): A dynamic fee given to the keeper bots to execute the trade (from $0 to $10)
Fees: 2/6-10 bps based on the market skew.
Fees for limit/stop orders
DexToro charges 0 additional fees on limit/stop orders.
Keeper deposit or (Execution Fee): A dynamic fee is given to the keeper bots to execute the trade (from $0 to $10).
Fees: 2/6-10 bps based on the market skew.
The fees are only charged when the order is executed finally.
Last updated